In top of that, the interface is user-friendly and you are able to create yours data and organize them in few seconds. Ancestris is one of the best GEDCOM compatible software and is able to correct GEDCOM from others software to make something understandable by the widest number of software or sites without losing the data. How to Export a FamilySearch GEDCOM with RootsMagic. Go to your Downloads folder on your computer and open and install RootsMagic to your computer.

One important point is the GEDCOM compliance. Select the appropriate download for your Windows or Mac computer.

You can open several files in the same time and copy data from one to another genealogy. GedScape is a Mac and Windows program for browsing, manipulating, converting and extracting data from GEDCOM files. there is more than 40 tools to go deep inside your genealogical data. GEDCOM allows you to export your genealogy data from one application, and then import it into another. The team have created a up to date user manual that explain all the features of the software. The display is totally configurable to fit the needs of the user. GEDCOM files are the standard format used for sharing family tree information between programs, so are often necessary for sharing your family tree file with friends or family members, or for moving your information to a new software or service. The developer teams is very active on their forum and answers quickly to all type of questioning. Ancestris has all the features needed by a Genealogical software : Editors, trees, reports, html export even a surprising graph visualization.