His imagined dialogue partner tells him that Biff will consider the impending act one of cowardice. Maybe he has forgotten that the “old buyers” have already died of old age. Although perhaps this wrong foretelling could be attributed to senility, rather than his typical self-deception. Yet as was to be expected, this is not what happens, none of the people he sold to come. But even here in one of his last moments, while having a conversation with a ghost from the past, he continues to lie to himself by saying that his funeral will be a big event, and that there will be guests from all over his former working territory in attendance. He does it primarily because he thinks that the life insurance payout will allow Biff to come to something, so that at least one of the Lomans will fulfill his unrealistic dream of great wealth and success.

Not only out of desperation because he just lost his job, with which he was hardly earning enough to pay ordinary expenses at the end.

On the last few pages of the play, Willy finally decides to take his own life ( and ).