
Redken shades eq platinum formula
Redken shades eq platinum formula

Blondes in particular may notice signs of brassiness over time. The challenge? Maintaining that just-left-the-salon level luster until your next dye job. Now what did we use on this beauty? To see the entire tutorial breakdown head to the link in my bio to join my private education group with over 900 tutorials and posts and INTENSIVE Shades EQ education.When it comes to hair, there’s nothing better than fresh color. Its one of the biggest hair color trends of 2023! 08WG, 010WG Or if you want to get really spicy, the NW series rocks as a lowlight fill too. this is the newest series also known as Champagne with a Kiss of Rose. 09AA 07GRo, 09GRo, 010GRo with Bonder Inside: P.s. I suggest something that is SOFT, 100% WARM, and at least 1 level lighter than your desired end result level for the lowlight. Take a deep breath, and look at your Shades EQ chart. NOW, what about the fill? Sure, the NB series has red as its primary depositing color in the reflect, however, we are talking about putting a cool neutral on a level 100000000 blonde and we need to safeguard. SO when we combine N + NB we get a COOL NEUTRAL. With a Blue/Violet reflect it is 100% cool in its deposit. With a red/violet reflect it is the perfect marriage between warmth and cool, therefore NEUTRAL. In shades eq the NB series is the TRUE NATURAL. So as an example, lets say you have a client who wants to have a neutral lowlight.

redken shades eq platinum formula redken shades eq platinum formula

Now I’m not talking about taking straight 06AA and using that as your fill, but rather something that has warmth and is soft in deposit.

redken shades eq platinum formula redken shades eq platinum formula

Okkkkkk but what if you have a client who doesn’t want a warm lowlight? You know… one of those “I had red” situations. So in the case of a platinum, that would be warmth. Here is my cardinal rule when it comes to low lighting with Shades EQ: YOU MUST HAVE A FILL IN THE FORMULA When we fill, we are adding back pigment into the hair that is missing. Low-lighting in general can be scary because the last thing you want to do is formulate too dark.

Redken shades eq platinum formula